In the past I have used mvvmlight with some degree of success via wpf. I have recently seen Caliburn Micro but I would like to know if anyone has any experience with it.
I see the website for Caliburn Micro and it states it works on WP7 and WPF, what about win8 and wp8?
From what I understand Caliburn Micro takes away a lot the configuration away and goes with convention, this sounds nice, similar approach to mvc
Can anyone confirm that INavigationService can be used with CM ? Also is it true that no binding exists in CM because the items just work because of convention?
Or should I just continue with the MVVM Light route?
MVVM Light release schedule is a little delayed, anyone know what the release schedule is with CM?
Yes, Caliburn.Micro supports WinRT and WP8 - see for WinRT documentation.
Caliburn.Micro has a convention over configuration approach so it will automatically bind controls on your view with verbs on your view models based on the name of the control. You can configure these conventions or just use explict bindings if you want to override this.
It supports INavigationService, and the last release of Caliburn.Micro was 1.5.1 on March 22nd.