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how to add a class with the end increment for the number of pictures I have to a mustache template in jQuery?

I have the follow mustache template:

<script id="pictures" type="text/template">
  <li id="dndtemplate">
    <img src={{img}} title={{imgnimi}} alt={{imgnimi}} <span>{{imgnimi}}</span> 

and I have to add to the img tag a class "dnd" with auto increment for the number or images I have in the json file. I have done this way but it does not work.

$(function() {
 $.getJSON('image.json', function(image) {
   var template = $('#pictures').html(function(){
     for (var i = 0; i <= img.length[]; i++);
     var html = Mustache.to_html(template, image);

  }); //getJSON
}); //function</script>

json is here:

"images" : [
    {"img" : "images/tytto_60x80.png", 
    "imgnimi" : "Vilja"},
    {"img" : "images/tytto2_60x80.png", 
    "imgnimi" : "Katri"},
    {"img" : "images/tytto3_60x80.png", 
    "imgnimi" : "Mari"},
    {"img" : "images/tytto4_60x80.png",
    "imgnimi" : "Larissa"},
    {"img" : "images/tytto5_60x80.png",
    "imgnimi" : "Alice"},
    {"img" : "images/tytto6_60x80.png",
    "imgnimi" : "Helena"},
    {"img" : "images/poika1_60x80.png",
    "imgnimi" : "Jesse"},
    {"img" : "images/poika2_60x80.png",
    "imgnimi" : "Lauri"},
    {"img" : "images/poika3_60x80.png",
    "imgnimi" : "Petri"},
    {"img" : "images/poika4_60x80.png",
    "imgnimi" : "Joonas"},
    {"img" : "images/poika5_60x80.png",
    "imgnimi" : "Valtteri"},
    {"img" : "images/poika6_60x80.png",
    "imgnimi" : "Vesa"},    
    {"img" : "images/auto_110x60.png",
    "imgnimi" : "auto"}


I would appreciate any help


  • As mustache is logic-less templates, you can't apply the incremental logic over here. However there is some work around and following is the code.

    First you need to update the template.

    <script id="pictures" type="text/template">
      <li id="dndtemplate">
          <img src="{{img}}" title="{{imgnimi}}" alt="{{imgnimi}}" class="{{dndClass}}" /> <span> {{imgnimi}} </span> 

    Next you need to iterate over the returned JSON object.

    var template = $("#pictures").html();
    $.each(imgObj.images, function(i, data) {
        data.dndClass = "dnd"+i;
        var html = Mustache.to_html(template, data);


    I hope this works for you.