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What about Sql Server Data Tools for VS2012 being incompatible with Sql Server 2012?

In what seems to be a very odd turn, I am trying to create a Sql Database project in Visual Studio 2012, and am getting this nutty error:

enter image description here

And clicking on either link leads to a Page Not Found at, which is odd in itself.

From the bare text of the error message, which is (for search purposes):

Unable to open Database Project

This version of SQL Server Data Tools is not compatible with the database runtime components installed on this computer.

Considering that I have Sql Server 2012 Developer Edition installed on the workstation, this seems incredible. I can open or create a database project in VS2008 with Sql Server 2012 DE installed, so why not VS 2012?


  • I Installed SQL Server 2012 Service pack 1 yesterday and then I started getting the problem you describe in Visual Studio 2012. Not only with database projects; I could not use the SQL Server Object Explorer, not open sql-scripts and lots of other weird database related errors. Always with the same message:

    "This version of SQL Server Data Tools is not compatible with ... bla, bla, bla ..."

    This solution helped me: Hope this can help you too

    Update: With the March 2013 Release it seems you have to also update the SQL Server Data Tools available here See the comments in this post for more details.