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How to get index name, key and description from sybase table

I want to create index for specific table from Unix shell script, so that I need index name, index keys, and index description for that particular table.

"sp_helpindexes" gives all these details with some unwanted lines, but I need alternative way to get only index name, key and description.

Anyone please help me on this ....?


  • Custom made SQL request

    You can find description of the sp_helpindex using sp_helptext command like this :

    use sybsystemprocs
    sp_helptext sp_helpindex

    This will give you the definition of your stored prcedure. Then you can extract your required SQL request (which could be tricky, another store_proc).

    Shell script to process output of sp_helpindex

    On other side, it seems it is just a shell problem, once you can call your SQL server. For example, using the sqsh program (an isql like program), you can have a file myindexes.sql containing :

    use databaname
    sp_helpindex tablename

    Then the command

    sqsh -U username -P password -S SYBASESERVER -i myindexes.sql -h > myindexes.txt

    will give you the sp_helpindex output that you can process. Using the sqsh output, the line 3 contain index name and keys, the line 4 the description. I use :

    # Call sqh command : output in myindex.txt
    sqsh -U username -P password -S SYBASESERVER -i myindexes.sql -h > myindex.txt
    # Then process the output
    INAME=`sed '3!d' myindex.txt | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 2`
    IKEYS=`sed '3!d' myindex.txt | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 3`
    IDESC=`sed '4!d' myindex.txt | tr -s ' ' | cut -f 2`
    # print out the values
    echo "$INAME $IKEYS $IDESC"
    # Clean up the files
    rm myindex.txt

    Hope this helps a little.