I am trying to allow a user, who is running my app, to send a contacts vcard (vcf) via bluetooth to another iOS device. The problem is, that the receiving device should not be required to run the same app.
Is there a possibiliy to accomplish this?
If there is not - is it at least possible to have Gamekit to establish a session, when the receiving device is running the same app, but without requiring the (receiving) user to start the peerPicker-dialog?
Any help and hints are appreciated!
First option: seems to be impossible.
Second option: Works. I implemented a GKSessionDelegate for receiving incoming connections. This session is startet together with the app. For establishing the connection with a receiver, I used the well known GKPeerPickerControllerDelegate.
One remainig problem is, that the sender sees itself in the list of available peers (because it has also a receiver running in the background). My solution for this is to set its GKSession.available=NO, as soon as the sender starts its GKPeerPickerController.