Now i am working on a Home Launcher application.I want to clear defaults of default home launcher(eg: Samsung Home). ie.I want to show Settings-> Applications->Manage Application->Samsung Home->clear defaults
How to show this through code?
Thanks in Advance
NOTE: Since this question is limited to accessing the Manage Application Settings options, my answer covers just that. You will have to figure out a way of getting the actual Package Name.
Also, if the idea is to also Clear the Defaults automatically via code, then that, to the best of my knowledge, cannot be done. Someone can correct me if I am wrong on this.
That being said, this piece of code will open the specific application's Manage Application screen from your app (the package name must be supplied).
Intent showSettings = new Intent();
Uri uriAppSettings = Uri.fromParts("package", "THE_APP_PACKAGE_NAME", null);
For example, if the package name of the Google Maps application is
, the replace THE_APP_PACKAGE_NAME
with it and the code will open the Manage Application screen for the Google Maps application.
The PackageManager has a method, clearPackagePreferredActivities used to clear the default via code. However, that doesn't seem to work in newer Android versions:
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