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computervision: nudity detection solutions comparision (opencv based or custom code) & hash-lists & client side

server side:

  • List item:
  • ...: x% matches found, y% false positives (opencv +10 lines of code)
  • ...: x% matches found, y% false positives (large custom code since 1995)
  • another:
  • Minimal OpenCV C++ code:


hash lists:

  • ..: (financed by public money, restricted access as of ...)
  • ...: (open access)
  • ...: , y million entries, y % new last years (commercial $y / month)
  • ...: , x million entries, x % new last years (commercial $x / month)

(serverside &) crowdsourced / crowd-verified:

  • Google images' filter: ... (restricted access, yet not even in webmastertools for owned websites)


  • another: ... (will scan x megapixels per 50ms on a i5 2540 mobile)
  • nude.js (patrick-wied): ...

I completely rewrote this question, which was always closed and apparently appeared to be to wide rather than specific and "promote a link" rather than alternatives?

Task here now is to:
"Take inventory of all the worlds existing approaches for this development specific but widely unknown task." (= to fill the gaps in the table above and maybe sample code/implementations)

While some windows software is marketed to parents whose kids surf the net, this assumable wont anytime soon appear in a wikipedia article "Comparision Of Nudity detection software" and from a development perspective. (nor on )

also this is specific, yet widely underserved nor practiced. Thus no single answer/link would be anything much of self-promotion/spam, this question on the contrary is prone to such less than the average question. Yet there dont need to be any links at all and there wont be answers with personal opinions and if there could be it would help more than nothing.


  • To run nude.js, check out the examples on this site.

    Essentially, you need to include the JS files, and then run the checking algorithm on the images you want to run it on. There are 3 functions: nude.init() nude.load(param) and nude.scan(function optional).

    From the linked example site:

    // Scan it
        alert(result ? "Nudity found in " + + "!" : "Not nude");

    It's also worth noting that an article from the developer recommends not using it in production mode.

    I wouldn’t recommend using the library in production mode right now because the detection rate is about 60%

    You may want to check out the links on this question and answers on SO for alternatives.