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Is it possible to create an inheritance like structure for strings files in Xcode?

I have an application that has different sets of strings based on the target. Is it possible to have one base strings file and then only override a few keys in another?

For example, if my base file is this:

"some-string" = "base-value"
"other-string" = "1234"

Then for one of my targets, associate another strings file that has the following:

"some-string" = "overridden-value"

So, if I run the target that contains the additional strings file, the output would be:

NSLocalizedString(@"some-string", nil) => "overridden value"
NSLocalizedString(@"other-string", nil) => "1234"

I would greatly prefer not to throw unmodified strings in the overriding strings file. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • How about

                                      [NSBundle mainBundle],
                                      NSLocalizedString(@"some-string", nil),

    Perform a lookup in your overriding strings file. If that fails, return the default NSLocalizedString() result.

    It's a rather ugly thing to have all over your code. So you might want to work some macro magic to get a shorter call. Something like this:

    #define MyLocalizedString(key, comment) NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(key,
                                      [NSBundle mainBundle],
                                      NSLocalizedString(key, comment),

    (written on multiple lines for clarity). Then you could define OVERRIDE_TABLE_NAME as a compiler option.