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How to load Google Maps API with RequireJS?

I am struggling to load gmaps api with requireJS . This is what I've tried:

    urlArgs: "noCache=" + (new Date).getTime(),
    paths : {
        "jquery": "vendor/jquery-1.8.2.min",
        "bootstrap": "vendor/bootstrap.min",      
        "underscore": "libs/underscore-min",
        "backbone": "libs/backbone-min",    
        "template": "libs/template",
        "gmaps": ""
    shim: {
        'backbone': {
            deps: ['jquery', 'underscore'],
            exports: 'Backbone'
        'underscore': {
            exports: '_'
        'bootstrap': {
            deps: ['jquery']
        'gmaps': {
            deps: ['jquery']
            deps: ['jquery','gmaps']   

require(["main"], function (main) {})

But inside main.js when I try to instantiate the geocoder i got ,,undefined is not a function" error.

var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();

Any ideas what could I be doing wrong?


  • I've managed to sort it out with the async plugin.

    A quick example is:

        paths: {
            'async': 'lib/requirejs-plugins/src/async'
    define(['async!'], function() {
        // Google Maps API and all its dependencies will be loaded here.