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Using transaction in a loop in Yii

I have an array of active records and want to change some field of them with a loop in this manner:

$error = false;
foreach ($items as $item) {
    $item->is_paid = self::PENDING;
    $error = $error || !$item->save();
return $error;

What I want to do is to change the is_paid property for all of this items. If on fails, roll back the others. How can I use transaction to solve this problem?


  • By a brief look here, I was able to find the transaction management in yii, something like the following should work for you:

    $transaction = Yii::app()->db->beginTransaction();
    try {
        foreach ($items as $item) {
            $item->is_paid = self::PENDING;
        // actions to do on success (redirect, alert, etc.)
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        // other actions to perform on fail (redirect, alert, etc.)