I'm in a little bitty startup company. Right now we are using JEDI VCS for our source control needs, which isn't too bad except for it's buggy. It worked because we were using it to manage "old" Delphi projects.
Now, we are developing things in VS 2008 and .NET and I realized JEDI is extremely tied to Delphi when I went to try to branch a project and an Delphi project file must be provided.
Now then. I'm thinking SVN sounds pretty good, but I've been using it for about 3 years now and am comfortable with it, so I don't want to choose it just because I know it.
My boss wants Sourcesafe. After reading all the "Why to never use VSS" stuff on the internet I just think it looks hellish to develop with, and still will not fix the current problem we are at which is branching(since VSS is hell for branching). He wants for us to use VSS though because it can do source control on SQL databases(apparently? I've never been able to get it to work though and heard it required some separate web develop edition or something.
Now then, what source control should we use(it's less than 5 programmers) that is modern and cheap/free? And how can I convince my boss either that it can't do SQL versioning, or that it's not worth it?
Subversion, used it for >5 years. Add in the TortoiseSVN front end and it's pretty damn good.
VSS is rubbish. It locks files on checkout (which I hate personally), it isn't free. You need a separate GUI. It is truly awful across any sort of slow bandwidth pipe. Disclaimer: My experiences with VSS are over 5 years old.
On branching/merging some people recommend git, used by the linux team, not used it myself so can't comment.