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Is there any implementation to Remove by Key and get the Value at the same time?

I'm doing a performance critical program (little academic stuff) and I'm looking to optimize wherever possible (not like it proved "this is the" bottleneck).

I have a custom dictionary structure (a wrapper around .NET Dictionary<,>) and I would constantly Remove items at one stage (by the Key value). I need the Value of the removed items. Right now I have to do:

T t;
if !TryGet(key, out t)
   return false;


That's two lookups. I would love this:

public bool Remove(S key, out T value)
    // implementation

I know there is nothing in the framework, but is there an implementation somewhere? If so I would change my backing dictionary with that one.

Edit: Hmm I know both TryGetValue and Remove are O(1). Just knowing if there is any collection structure that would give the same effect in just one lookup. As I said I'm trying to optimize as much as possible. Just knowing.


  • The University of Copenehagen's Generic Collection Library has a Dictionary.Remove() method that appears to do what you want:

    bool Remove(K k, out V v)

    Returns true if the dictionary contains an entry whose key equals k and if so removes that entry and assigns the associated value to v; otherwise returns false and assigns the default value for T to v.

    I've not used this library myself, but I've seen it recommended a few times here on Stack Overflow. It's free to use commercially, subject to this MIT-style license.