In Eclipse (Indigo), with the m2e plugin, I would like to be able to F2 on a method name from a 3rd party dependency (i.e. one that I do not have the source for), and view the Javadoc.
For example, let's say I'm working with the Spring Framework JARs (something that I don't have the source for locally, but it's available in Maven central).
I've found that F2 will work just fine if I have downloaded the sources locally already (i.e. by Ctrl-Clicking into the method); however, F2 does not work otherwise, that is, it doesn't display Javadoc.
Any suggestions? I'm even fine if there's a configuration setting making m2e auto-download sources when I hit F2, it's just really annoying to lose context in order to view documentation!
Thanks in advance. (I believe I have already reviewed similar questions on SO, but none seemed to match my situation exactly.)
on your Maven project, Maven
Download JavaDoc
will download JavaDoc for all your project code to your local Maven repository. Thus you will be able to view the JavaDoc when pressing F2.