Few days back I successfully integrated ACRA in project to get crash log, but due lots of entries I just deleted entire form but when I was trying to create new one, I am not able to get option to create new legacy form within Tools
I followed same steps which I followed before but don't know what happen now, why I am not able to get option to create Legacy form
within Tools inside spreadsheet.
your suggestion are appreciable.
using Google Drive Forms as the ACRA reporting endpoint will not be supported anymore with the next releases.
I Suggest you to connect BugSense
as your back-end for ACRA
that what I set and it works great.
To get your crash report in BugSense
you should:
1. Create an account.
2. place this line:
@ReportsCrashes(formUri = "http://www.bugsense.com/api/acra?api_key=key_received_from_bugsense", formKey="")
before declaration of your Application