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how to change submorph position

I have two morphs that one is in the other.

a:= Morph new.
b:= Morph new. 
a addMorph: b. 
a openInWorld.

but when I want to change b's position by doing b position: 100@100, it never shows the change, so what am I missing here? or is it somehow a's responsibility to keep track of b's position?


  • This should work:

    | morph1 morph2 |
    morph1 := Morph new.
    morph1 color: Color red.
    morph1 extent: 200@200.
    morph2 := Morph new.
    morph2 color: Color green.
    morph2 extent: 50@50.
    morph1 addMorph: morph2.
    morph2 position: 100@100.
    morph1 openInWorld.

    The result:

    enter image description here

    Note that the positions are absolute, if you want relative positions you have to do something like:

    morph2 position: (morph1 position + (100@100))

    If you add Morphs to a window, you could have a look at SystemWindow #addMorph:fullFrame: which offers better possibilities to position submorphs. Morph also implements #addMorph:fullFrame: but somehow this does not seem to work for me in Pharo 2.0.

    Have a look at: Pharo collaborActive book and at the Basic Widgets chapter of Pharo by Example 2.