I am trying to access current_app from within the listener so that I can use app config values for which channel to subscribe to. However I receive "RuntimeError: working outside of application context".
Here is the code in question:
from flask import Blueprint, Response, request, current_app
from socketio import socketio_manage
from socketio.namespace import BaseNamespace
from redis import StrictRedis
import pprint
socketapp = Blueprint('socketapp', __name__)
class MessageNamespace(BaseNamespace):
def listener(self):
r = StrictRedis()
p = r.pubsub()
messages = r.lrange('message', 0, -1)
self.emit('message-message', ''.join(messages))
for m in p.listen():
if m['type'] == 'message':
self.emit('message-message', m['data'])
def on_subscribe(self):
def socketio(remaining):
socketio_manage(request.environ, {'/messages': MessageNamespace}, request)
except BaseException:
return Response()
@socketapp.route('/message', methods=['GET'])
def say():
msg = request.args.get('msg', None)
if msg:
r = StrictRedis(host=current_app.config['REDIS_HOST'])
r.rpush('message', msg)
r.publish('message-channel', msg)
return Response('Message sent!')
return Response('Please specify your message in the "msg" parameter')
is only valid while an HTTP request is being processed (it's a proxy that transiently points to the actual app object). You'll need to either get access to the actual app object from this module or steal a reference to it via current_app._get_current_object()