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Seam 3 Security not working on JBoss7 custom authenticator class not found

I've been trying seam3 security in Jboss7.1.3 with an ear project generated with maven archetype (javaee6-jboss-ear) but I can't get around the error wherein my custom class cannot be loaded.

Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: from [Module "deployment.javaee6-demo.ear.javaee6-demo-ejb-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:main" from Service Module Loader]

My project is structured as: myProject -ear -jar (where beans.xml and authenticator is defined) -war

My Authenticator class: package;

import javax.enterprise.inject.Model; import javax.inject.Inject;

import; import; import org.picketlink.idm.impl.api.PasswordCredential; import org.picketlink.idm.impl.api.model.SimpleUser;

public class Authenticator extends BaseAuthenticator {
    Credentials credentials;

    public Authenticator() { }

    public void authenticate() {
        if ("demo".equals(credentials.getUsername())
                && credentials.getCredential() instanceof PasswordCredential
                && "demo".equals(((PasswordCredential) credentials.getCredential()).getValue())) {    
            setUser(new SimpleUser("demo"));    

My beans.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
    xmlns:s="urn:java:ee" xmlns:security=""


        <s:modifies />


In myProject, I have defined seam-bom:


In ejb/pom.xml, I've defined seam-security:


Scope is provided, otherwise I'll get compilation issues: missing classes.

The weird thing is, the same setup works when I deploy the war project, any idea? I just put the war inside the ear :-)

I am also doing the same with an ear generated from maven archetype with minimal changes, I just add the Authenticator and seam-security dependency. The big difference to the project I'm having error is I replaced most of the jboss jars with javaee-api because it's the standard. And I thought JBoss is standard :-), seems like there's some magic happening again with its own jars.

*The working pure jboss project is uploaded here:


  • What worked for me is excluding the seam-security jar in the war pom.xml, something like:
