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Shared projection?

I have a database and an Entity Framework model mapped to it. The database has a table "Products" with numerous columns. In many EF queries I need only a few columns, and I do a projection, let's say

var projected = Context.Products
    .Select(p => new ProjectedProduct { ProdID = p.ID, ProdTitle = p.Title })

Since this projection is used many times, I move it to a separate method:

public static IQueryable<ProjectedProduct> ToProjectedProduct(this IQueryable<Product> query)
    return query.Select(p => 
        new ProjectedProduct { ProdID = p.ID, ProdTitle = p.Title });

So I can use the projection like:

var projected = Context.Products.ToProjectedProduct().ToArray();

Now I also want to use the same projection for a single instance of product, like:

var prod = Context.Products.First(p => p);
var projected = new ProjectedProduct { ProdID = prod.ID, ProdTitle = prod.Title });

And I still want to use the same helper method for the projection in order to have it in one place, but it won't work, because it works only for IQueryable. What I can do is convert the projection to another method like

public static ProjectedProduct ToProjectedProduct(this Product p)
    return new ProjectedProduct { ProdID = p.ID, ProdTitle = p.Title });

But now this method won't work for IQueryable. I need a helper method which would work for both cases, what I would want to do is:

var projected = Context.Products.Select(p => p.ToProjectedProduct()).ToArray();

But this doesn't work because the helper method can't be translated to the database query.


  • The select extension method of an IQueryable requires an Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>. What this means is we can define an object elsewhere that matches this parameter and pass it into our select statement.

    Property (could also be a method):

    public Expression<Func<Product, ProjectedProduct>> MapProduct
            return p => new ProjectedProduct { ProdID = p.ID, ProdTitle = p.Title };

    IQueryable usage:

    var projected = Context.Products

    Single instance usage:

    var projected = Context.Products.Select(MapProduct).First();

    IEnumerable usage:

    // calling compile turns the expression into a normal Func
    var projected = ProductList.Select(MapProduct.Compile());

    Normal Object usage:

    var projected = MapProduct.Compile()(ProdObj);

    MSDN IQueryable.Select -