Using this thread (which is very helpful) so I do the same to may jpql query(very simple, just select all record but need to sorted by 'NAME' field):
SELECT o, LOWER( AS nameInOrder FROM UserGroup o ORDER BY nameInOrder ASC
I am using openjpa, and unfortunately the application gives me
java.lang.ClassCastException: [Ljava.lang.Object; cannot be cast to
The code running the whole jpql is like this:
public static List<UserGroup> findAllUserGroups(){
return entityManager().createQuery("SELECT o, LOWER( AS nameInOrder FROM UserGroup o ORDER BY nameInOrder ASC", UserGroup.class).getResultList();
My guessing, is seems entityManager take o
as an object but LOWER(
as another?
Please help, really dont see any problem but OpenJPA(v2.2) doesn't coorperate.
As per the thread you linked to, the return type from this query is List<Object[]>
and not List<UserGroup>
One otion is to leave the query as-is and pull out the UserGroup
s from the List by looping over it:
List<Object[]> results = entityManager().createQuery("SELECT o, LOWER( AS nameInOrder FROM UserGroup o ORDER BY nameInOrder ASC", UserGroup.class).getResultList();
List<UserGroup> userGroups = new ArrayList<UserGroup>();
for(Object[] result : results) {
userGroups.add( result[0] );
return userGroups;