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Recursive Permutation, Ellis Horowitz Algorithms and data structure Confusion.

I am a beginner programmer in my first year of university. My tutor has asked us to do some research on a recursive algorithm and make it none recursive. No natter how much I try it seems impossible. The question reads

A is a character string (e.g. A = "hello") and interchange, which is an abstraction, exchanges the k-th with the i-th character of A, e.g. CALL interchange("hello", 2, 3) would change "hello" to "hlelo").

The idea is to print out all the possible permutations The version in c++ reads

void perm(char*a, const int k, const int n)
    cout << a;
    for (i=k;i<=n;i++)
      interchange(a, k, i);
      perm(a, k+1, n)

My tutor much prefers to use a language called ADL that seems only to appear in the Horowitz book "algorithms and data structures". He has posed the question in ADL so I will add that code in too, its very easy to understand.

proc perm(IN a, IN k, IN n)
  if k=n then
     for i <- k to n do
       call interchange(a,k,i)
       call perm( a, k+1, n)

thanks for anyone who can help. Martyn


  • A recursive algorithm is simply an algorithm that uses a stack.

    The recursion allows you to use the call stack as your data stack.

    Any recursive function taking this form:

    void perm(char*a, const int k, const int n)
       // check if your code should return
       // make a recursive call with new data

    Can be changed to this:

    void perm(char*a, const int k, const int n)
       // Create a stack, push (a,k,n)
       while ( /* stack isn't empty */ )
           // check if stack should be *popped* (instead of returning)
           // Put new data on the stack (instead of recursing)