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Display Image to RepositoryPictureEdit in gridView of DevExpress...?

I am working in DevExpress Gridview Concepts. I require one User Image in my grid field. i m working in winforms platforms.

My Datatable has only path of image. I dont know how to bind an image to repositoryPictureEdit Control

Kindly provide any solution.


  • You could using a ImageEdit. This is a dropdown of Images. So you generate Images first via:


    Add them to a List or ImageList and fill the dropdown with it. Then you just bind the index of the picture to your column.

    I hope this is able to work in your case.

    edit: OR

    At first you have to create a UnboundColumn in your Grid. Just create a column and set the Property 'UnboundType' to object. Then set a RepositoryPictureEdit as ColumnEdit. Now you have a Column which got a pictureedit in each row. To populate the Images you can handle the CustomUnboundColumnData event. This event you can find on the GridView.

    To accomplish this task do following:

    • Run GridView Designer -> Change to columns at the left side
    • Add Column
    • In the Propertywindow ->

    • set the Columnedit to repositorypictureedit

    • set the UnboundType to object

    • Activate the CustomUnboundColumnData event (you can find in the GridView) -> this event fires on loading Grid for every cell.

    With e.ListSourceRowIndex you can get the row of your datasource appending to the unboundcolumn. So you could do following:

       private void gridView1_CustomUnboundColumnData(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base.CustomColumnDataEventArgs e)
                    if (e.Column.Name == "MyColumn")
                        clsTest test = myListAsDataSource[e.ListSourceRowIndex];
                        e.Value = test.Bild;

    I hope this can help you.