I'm writting a php app on a windows 7 machine and I'm using git command line utility from mingw32
. The problem is that I just remived a very important file of my project by mistake.
This is the command on which i didn't pay attention and disaster is on my sholders now:
rm git diff include/class/ReportBuilder.php
If I do git status
I see it in:Changes to be commited
but I can't find it anymore.
Do you have any idea about how can I undelete a file removed with rm
from mingw32. My file was not in the repository, but I've worked 2 weeks on it :(((
I'm using netbeans and luckly for me, ntbeans has undelete procedure built in. Thank you Netbeans. Thank you stackoverflow for having this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/8179717/86112
So, the solutin is: right click on Project->History->Revert Deleted