In my Pyqt4 program I want to change the shortcut for some buttons. As I have quite a lot I thought of accessing a button through user input. I copied the relevant code snippets.
self.btn3 = QtGui.QPushButton(self)
b, ok = QtGui.QInputDialog.getText(self, 'Keyboard Mapping',
"Enter button number: ")
so the user would, say, input "btn3", and then in another input dialog he'd specify the new shortcut. Finally, I want to change the button shortcut like this:
I get an error that my QMainWindow Class has no attribute "b".
Is there no way of storing an instance in a variable? Or maybe reading the variable or something? I'd be glad if you can help me...
The issue here is that python doesn't take the value from b
for the lookup when you do self.b.setShortcut(newkey)
, rather, it just looks for the name b
You can do what you want using getattr()
getattr(self, b).setShortcut(newkey)
However, this is bad style and will generally be unsafe and cause problems. Instead, make a data structure that suits your need - here it would make sense to create a dictionary, for example:
self.widgets = {"btn3": QtGui.QPushButton(self)}