I have an app that runs a synchronization algorithm.
When I build and run it in debug mode (onto my iPhone 5) it all works fine.
However, when I archive it and upload it to TestFlight and then download and install to the same iPhone 5 then part of the sync doesn't work.
It doesn't crash or anything, it just doesn't run that part of the sync.
The stupid thing is that it is a line of code inside a single function that isn't running. Everything else in that function does run.
I have no idea where to start looking for this.
With help from Mindaugas I've found exactly why and which bit of code is not being run.
The function is...
- (void)uploadData
NSLog(@"pushing photos");
for (StoredImage *storedImage in self.recordArray) {
NSURL *url = [self urlForImageUpload:storedImage];
if (url == nil) {
ImageUploadOperation *uploader = [[OJFImageUploadOperation alloc] init];
uploader.image = storedImage.image;
uploader.url = url;
[self.recordQueue addOperation:uploader];
When I set the optimisation level to "Fastest, Smallest" it seems to mess the order of this function up.
When it enters I can see that there is a single object in the array and it enters into the loop. But then it completely skips past the first line NSURL *url = [self urlForImageUpload:storedImage];
and goes to the end. So the upload never actually starts and it moves onto the next item.
Release configuration by default uses different code optimization than Debug configuration, so some code lines can be optimized and skipped
You can check/change configurations at Target -> Build Settings -> search for Optimization Level