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TeeChart WPF Histogram color of bins

I am using TeeChart and the Histogram Series to display data. I would like to color the bins individually depending on the values but all I found was the option to color each one differently. I want the bins displaying the same value to have the same color. Is that possible with TeeChart?


  • Yes, this is possible. You can achieve that either providing the color value when populating the series using the appropriate Add method override or using the BeforeDrawPoint event as shown here:

    public Form1()
    private void InitializeChart()
      tChart1.Aspect.View3D = false;
      Histogram histogram1 = new Histogram(tChart1.Chart);
      histogram1.LinePen.Visible = false;
      histogram1.LinesPen.Visible = false;
      for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
      histogram1.BeforeDrawPoint += histogram1_BeforeDrawPoint;
    void histogram1_BeforeDrawPoint(Series series, BeforeDrawPointEventArgs e)
      series.Colors[e.ValueIndex] = (series.YValues[e.ValueIndex] > 10) ? Color.Red : Color.Blue;