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Different Form login in Shiro

Same question where asked under "Multiple logins url in Shiro" but it was unanswered.

I am trying to have two different loggin page for apache shiro 1) For Mobile devices (little screen, limited javascript different theme) 2) For standard devices

How can i do?

Now only one url is working at a time.

shiro.loginUrl = ...



  • You need to extend FormAuthenticationFilter to be aware of multiple login urls. It can look like this:

    public class CustomAuthenticationFilter extends FormAuthenticationFilter {
        private Map<String, String> loginUrlByUserAgent = new HashMap<String, String>();
        public void setLoginUrls(final Map<String, String> loginUrlByUserAgent) {
            this.loginUrlByUserAgent = loginUrlByUserAgent;
        protected void redirectToLogin(final ServletRequest request, final ServletResponse response) throws IOException {
            final String loginUrl = getLoginUrl(request);
            WebUtils.issueRedirect(request, response, loginUrl);
        private String getLoginUrl(final ServletRequest request) {
            // check user agent
            final String userAgent = getUserAgent(request);
            // and return appropriate login url
            return userAgent != null && loginUrlByUserAgent.containsKey(userAgent) ?
                    loginUrlByUserAgent.get(userAgent) :
        private String getUserAgent(final ServletRequest request) {
            // get "User-Agent" header

    Then you just need to replace authc filter with your newly created.