I have a class that implements an interface. There's another class that implements this interface, too, and an instance of this second class backs my class's implementation.
For many of the methods specified by the interface, my class simply forwards them straight to the second class.
public class MyClass implements MyInterface
private OtherClass otherClassInstance; // Also implements MyInterface.
// ...
void foo() { otherClassInstance.foo(); }
void bar() { otherClassInstance.bar(); }
void baz() { otherClassInstance.baz(); }
// ...
Simply deriving my class from the second class would eliminate all of this, but it doesn't make sense because the two classes are unrelated to each other (besides implementing a common interface). They represent different things - it just so happens that a lot of my class's implementation copies that of the other class. In other words, my class is implemented atop the second class, but it is not itself a subset of the second class. As we know, inheritance is meant to express an "is-a" relationship, not to share implementation, so it's inappropriate in this case.
This portion of a talk by Joshua Bloch illustrates the situation well.
I know that Java doesn't have any language support for delegation. However, is there at least some way to clean up my class's implementation so it isn't so redundant?
An answer which is not really an answer to your actual question:
I'd say, live with the boilerplate. Let IDE generate it for you. Example: in Netbeans, add the private ArrayList field, set cursor to where you'd want the methods to appear, hit alt-insert, select "Generate Delegate Method...", click the methods you want to create a delegate for in the dialog opens, submit, go through the generated methods and make them do the right thing, you're done.
It is a bit ugly, but it is still preferable to starting to mess with reflection, when you are dealing with just one class, like it sounds. Your class is probably the kind of class, which you will complete and fully test, and then hopefully never touch again. Reflection creates runtime cost which does not go away. Suffering the auto-generated boilerplate in the source file is probably preferable in this case.