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Is there a way to allow a mouse-scroll on a kendo mobile listview?

I've noticed that the only way to "scroll" down on a mobile page with a listview is to click and drag.

Is there a way to allow a normal scroll using a mouse wheel, for folks that are using the mobile site on their desktops?


  • Here is a workaround using kendo mobile with jquery.mousewheel.js to make a mobile view scroll using mouse wheel on a web application.

    The View:

    <div data-role="view" id="tabstrip-editor" data-init="attachToScroller">
    <ul data-role="listview" data-style="inset" data-type="group">
        <li>item 1</li>
        <li>item 2</li>

    The Javascript:

    function matrixToArray(matrix) {
        return matrix.substr(7, matrix.length - 8).split(', ');
    function attachToScroller(e) {
        var scroller = e.view.scroller;
        e.view.scroller.element.find('.km-scroll-container').mousewheel(function (event, delta, deltaX, deltaY) {
            var matrix = matrixToArray($(event.currentTarget).css("-webkit-transform"));
            var currentScroll = parseInt(matrix[5], 10);
            var scrollingamount = currentScroll + deltaY * 15;
            if (deltaY > 0) {            
                if (-currentScroll > 9)
                    scroller.scrollTo(0, scrollingamount);
                    scroller.scrollTo(0, 0);
            else {
                var maximum = scroller.scrollHeight() - $(scroller.element).height();
                if(maximum + currentScroll > 0)
                    scroller.scrollTo(0, scrollingamount);
                    scroller.scrollTo(0, -maximum);

    Fiddle Demo Here (for chrome)


    Fiddle Demo with Modernizr (for other browsers as well)

    during the view init we attach the scroller container to jquery.mousewheel event. When a jquery.mousewheel events arrives, we have to grab the -transform css property of the scroller container to learn what is the current Y transformation (kendo mobile scroller uses -transform to position itself). After that, we call the scrollTo method of scroller to scroll up or down according to mousewheel's delta property.