I'm trying to access my website's MySQL database I have remotely. I've followed instructions to set up MySQL Workbench's parameters and I have the Username, Password and all those. My problem is, after I've allowed my IP to access it, when I try to connect it says
Failed to Connect to MySQL at with user **** Can't connect to MySQL server on ''(10060)
The IP I got from pinging my website's adress (http://www.motivateddreams.com/) with CMD. When I try to navigate to that IP in my browser, It says "There is no website configured at this address." The thing it though, I know it exists. I type ping motivateddreams.com into CMD and that's what it gives me. Any ideas? Is there a way to get the correct IP address of a website? Or is it a different problem?
P.S. If you need more info, please ask and don't just vote this question down.
Thanks everyone for your help :D I got it working with some help from the host, but I'll choose a best answer anyway.
Pinging motivateddreams.com [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=187ms TTL=50
Reply from bytes=32 time=178ms TTL=50
Reply from bytes=32 time=182ms TTL=50
But asides that I'm guessing a firewall issue here. Is there an option to allow a specific host in your workbench/cpanel/whatever site?
I remember one of my webhosters that I could allow a remote host for mysql.
And I think that you have granted the rights to the 'user'@'yourhost' right?