I want to read windows registry using _winreg and Python
It works fine, but it doesn't show REG_BINARY values... when I create binary value in some key, doesn't matter where, it'll show any other values and not binary, I need to parse binary info to get windows licence key for HW/SW evidence in our company, I'd like to use this code, but it doesn't matter..
from _winreg import *
def pathExists(hkey, regPath):
reg = OpenKey(mapping[hkey], regPath)
except WindowsError:
return False
return True
def readSubKeys(hkey, regPath):
if not pathExists(hkey, regPath):
return -1
reg = OpenKey(mapping[hkey], regPath)
subKeys = []
noOfSubkeys = QueryInfoKey(reg)[0]
for i in range(0, noOfSubkeys):
subKeys.append(EnumKey(reg, i))
return subKeys
def readValues(hkey, regPath):
if not pathExists(hkey, regPath):
return -1
reg = OpenKey(mapping[hkey], regPath)
values = {}
noOfValues = QueryInfoKey(reg)[1]
for i in range(0, noOfValues):
values[EnumValue(reg, i)[0]] = EnumValue(reg, i)[1]
return values
I'm a little late haha, but I ran into the same problem in Python 2.7.3 today. The reason for this problem is because Python is a 32-bit process. When running in a Windows 64 bit environment calling a 32-bit process to look for 64-bit REG_BINARY values causes bitness issues.
Unfortunately I couldn't figure out how to fix this issue using _winreg. It seems there is no option to change the sysnative location for the command prompt with _winreg.
The solution I used is:
import subprocess
cmd = ['C:\Windows\sysnative\cmd.exe /c REG QUERY HKLM\LocationToBinaryValue /v' BinaryValueName']
subprocess_checkoutput(cmd, shell=True)
The C:\Windows\sysnative\cmd.exe /c part of the command sets the command prompt shell to the correct bit. Then running the Reg Query as normal will work and enable reading REG_BINARY values.