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Stop HTML5Builder wrapping components in div tags


Is there a way to stop HTML5Builder from wrapping components in div tags?

Each component that gets output has extra div tags wrapped around it like this:

<div id="label1_outer" style="display: inline;"><div id="label1"    >Label</div></div>

When I uncheck 'divwrap' on the component, the output for that component changes to:

<div id="label1_outer" style="display: inline;">Label</div>

so almost what I am looking for.

[Note that this is the resulting code after outputting a label component value using a Smarty template.]

I am trying to find a method to STOP these extra div tags showing since it is throwing off my CSS and it would be a real pain to recode my CSS to handle this.

I have posted the same questions here following a previous response from a user about editing the graphics.ini.php file:

However, so far, no luck in getting a response.

Any information on how to stop HTML5Builder from forcing these tags to be output would be great, thanks!


  • In case anyone else needs the answer, I did get to the bottom of it.

    In the RPCL folder in the H5B installation directory, there is a file called ''. This file is adding the extra div wrappers around every referenced component.

    To stop it, search the file for '_outer' and you will fine 2 sections where the extra divs are created:

    if ($v->inheritsFrom('Control'))
    if ($v->DivWrap) $code="<div id=\"".$v->Name."_outer\" style=\"display:inline;$style\">".$code."</div>";
    else $code="<div id=\"".$v->Name."_outer\" style=\"display:inline;$style\">".$code."</div>";

    You can just comment out this section of code, and the annoying wrappers will go away.

    Hope that this is helpful!