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Java factory pattern using generic constraints

I have

public class  MyFactory()
   public static <T> T getItem(Element element, Class<T> clazz)
         T item = null;
         if (clazz == IFoo.class)
              item =  (T) new Foo();
         else if (clazz == IBar.class)
              item =  (T) new Bar();

        assert item instanceof IParsable;

       return item;


and then I call it like this

IFoo parsedFoo = MyFactory.getItem(someElement, IFoo.class);

Here the concrete classes implement IParsable . Would I be able to remove the runtime assert check and put a compile time check to see if 'IParsable' and call parse?

Also I was wondering if there is a way to enforce IFoo<-->Foo implements relationship at compile time in getItem() method and remove the typecasting (T) ?

EDIT: I thought I would give an outline for IFoo and Foo

public interface IFoo
    String getFooName();
    int getFooId();

class Foo implements IFoo, IParsable


I just thought of a refactoring like this, now the only thing that's not a compile time check is the relation between interface and implementation.

  public static <U extends IParsable, T> T getItem(Element element, Class<T> clazz)
         U item = null;
         if (clazz == IFoo.class)
              item =  (U) new Foo();
         else if (clazz == IBar.class)
              item =  (U) new Bar();


       return (T) item;


  • Maybe something like this:

    public static <T> T getItem(Element element, Class<T> clazz) {
        IParsable item = null;
        if (clazz == IFoo.class) {
            item = new Foo();
        } else if (clazz == IBar.class) {
            item = new Bar();
        return (T) item;

    The fact that Foo is an IParsable is checked at compile time. The other cast (to (T)) is still a runtime exercise - but it was also the case in your example.