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Targeting in NME - Demo project cannot converted to, for example, JavaScript - Target error

I'm playing with the interesting tool NME which is a combination of Haxe and Neko.

I like the idea that it is possible to target to different languages but this seems not right?

I have downloaded the examples and run perfectly when targeting NME, but when i select another target, for example Javascript, i get the following error (in FlashDevelop):

Running process: C:\Program Files (x86)\FlashDevelop\Tools\fdbuild\fdbuild.exe "F:\Personal\NMEHaxe\nme\examples\HandlingKeyboardEvents\HandlingKeyboardEvents.hxproj" -ipc 5a2362fe-f815-45c2-95d7-cbb9f230408a -version "2.10" -compiler "C:\Program Files (x86)\Motion-Twin\NME\haxe" -notrace -library "C:\Program Files (x86)\FlashDevelop\Library" -target "flash"
Building HandlingKeyboardEvents
haxe -cp Source -cp "C:/Program Files (x86)/Motion-Twin/NME/haxe/lib/nme/3,5,5/" -cp Export/flash/haxe -lib nme -lib actuate -js F:/Personal/NMEHaxe/nme/examples/HandlingKeyboardEvents/project.nmml -D nme_install_tool -D web -main ApplicationMain -swf-version 11
C:\Program Files (x86)\Motion-Twin\NME\haxe\lib\nme/3,5,5/format/display/MovieClip.hx:9: characters 0-28 : 

You can't access the flash package with current compilation flags (for flash.display.Sprite)

Build halted with errors (haxe.exe).

If this is really impossible, the tool does not make sense to me because why using this when you cannot target another target. Or do I missing something in the whole Haxe/NME story? Can somebody explain this to me?


  • Got it, replace flash. with nme., for example:


    This compiles the code but does not run via FlashDevelop. It overwrites the project.nmml file with JS code when target is JavaScript.

    Any idea how to solve this?