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I need to implement C# deep copy constructors with inheritance. What patterns are there to choose from?

I wish to implement a deepcopy of my classes hierarchy in C#

public Class ParentObj : ICloneable
    protected int   myA;
    public virtual Object Clone ()
             ParentObj newObj = new ParentObj();
             newObj.myA = theObj.MyA;
             return newObj;

public Class ChildObj : ParentObj
    protected int   myB;
    public override Object Clone ( )
             Parent newObj = this.base.Clone();
             newObj.myB = theObj.MyB;

             return newObj;

This will not work as when Cloning the Child only a parent is new-ed. In my code some classes have large hierarchies.

What is the recommended way of doing this? Cloning everything at each level without calling the base class seems wrong? There must be some neat solutions to this problem, what are they?

Can I thank everyone for their answers. It was really interesting to see some of the approaches. I think it would be good if someone gave an example of a reflection answer for completeness. +1 awaiting!


  • The typical approach is to use "copy constructor" pattern a la C++:

     class Base : ICloneable
         int x;
         protected Base(Base other)
             x = other.x;
         public virtual object Clone()
             return new Base(this);
     class Derived : Base
         int y;
         protected Derived(Derived other)
              : Base(other)
             y = other.y;
         public override object Clone()
             return new Derived(this);

    The other approach is to use Object.MemberwiseClone in the implementation of Clone - this will ensure that result is always of the correct type, and will allow overrides to extend:

     class Base : ICloneable
         List<int> xs;
         public virtual object Clone()
             Base result = this.MemberwiseClone();
             // xs points to same List object here, but we want
             // a new List object with copy of data
             result.xs = new List<int>(xs);
             return result;
     class Derived : Base
         List<int> ys;
         public override object Clone()
             // Cast is legal, because MemberwiseClone() will use the
             // actual type of the object to instantiate the copy.
             Derived result = (Derived)base.Clone();
             // ys points to same List object here, but we want
             // a new List object with copy of data
             result.ys = new List<int>(ys);
             return result;

    Both approaches require that all classes in the hierarchy follow the pattern. Which one to use is a matter of preference.

    If you just have any random class implementing ICloneable with no guarantees on implementation (aside from following the documented semantics of ICloneable), there's no way to extend it.