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Displaying different instances of UserControl through DataTemplate

<UserControl x:Name="AView" .... />
public class AViewModel { .. }

<UserControl x:Name="ParentView">
    <DataTemplate DataType={x:Type vm:AViewModel}>
      <vw:AView />

    <ColumnDefinition />
    <ColumnDefinition />

  <ContentControl Content="{Binding PropertyA}" />
  <ContentControl Content="{Binding PropertyB}" Grid.Column="1" />

public class ParentViewModel
    public AViewModel PropertyA {get;set;}
    public AViewModel PropertyB {get;set;}

PropertyA and PropertyB hold references to different instances of AViewModel.

Q: How can I display different instances of AView in ContentControls that are bound to PropertyA and PropertyB?


  • The XAML you posted will create 2 instances of AView inside each ContentControl.