I call a Service
several times, the Service performs its job and then stop himself.
What I need is to store an abject between consecutive calls of the same Service,
So that:
every time the Service is called it retrieves the object uses
and it saves it again before stopping for using it in the next call.
The object in question is a RemoteViews
use can use Singleton Pattern:
public class SingletonClass{
private YourObject objectToStoreBetweenSession;
private SigletonClass instance;
private SingletonClass(){
objectToStoreBetweenSession = new YourObject();
private static SingletonClass getInstance(){
instance = new SingletonClass();
return instance;
public void setObject(YourObject obj){
objectToStoreBetweenSession = obj;
public YourObject getObject(){
return objectToStoreBetweenSession;
Into your Service
YourObject objectToStoreBetweenSession = SingletonClass.getInstance().getObject();
//First time that Service is called.
//Do whatever you want
SingoletonClass.getInstance().setObject(new YourObject("value"));