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NPP_New not getting called in few webpages (Chrome and Safari)

I am trying to access NPAPI plugin from content/inject script of Chrome/Safari extensions.

The code to embed the plugin object and access methods.

var newElement = document.createElement("embed"); = "myPluginID";  
newElement.type = "application/x-mychrome-plugin";
var newAttr = document.createAttribute("hidden");
newAttr.nodeValue = "true"
newElement.setAttributeNode(newAttr); = "-1"; = "absolute"; = "0px";
plugin = document.getElementById("myPluginID"); //this shows as HTML element when evaluated in JavaScript console.

   plugin.myPluginMethod() // this shows as undefined instead of native code(When evaluated in JavaScript console),for pages where NPP_New is not called.

This works for most of the webpages,but for few pages(,NPP_New is not called(debugging using Xcode 4) and scriptable object is not created and all the plugin methods are undefined.

Any inputs.


  • Why are you putting your embed as a child of document.documentElement (i.e., <html>) instead of in the body? I wouldn't expect a plugin that's not going to be displayed to be instantiated.