Currently receiving this when trying to submit my XML to FedEx's servers:
'errorCode' => '5',
'reason' => 'Schema validation failed for request.',
'details' => {
'ValidationFailureDetail' => {
'xmlLocation' => {
'NumberOfPieces' => ''
'Units' => ''
'Value' => ''
'message' => {
'Invalid decimal value: expected at least one digit',
'string value \'\' is not a valid enumeration value for WeightUnits in namespace',
'Invalid decimal value: expected at least one digit'
Do you folks have any suggestions? It seems Fedex isn't receiving out 'Commodities' array but everything is being set (including the NumberOfPieces', 'Units' & ' Value').
Any suggestions are appreciated.
Seems the entire scheme was different, and oddly enough WeightUnits was not in the new schema that was accepted, as per FedEx, WeightUnits is taken from Weight { units:0 }