I am trying to create a bash script to automate the creation of in-app purchase pkg files.
I am at a point that the script creates successfully all in-app purchase xcodeproj projects and then archive them using this command
xcodebuild -scheme $nameOfProject archive
$nameOfProject is a variable that holds, inside a loop, the name of the xcodeproj file correspondent to the in-app purchase.
After doing this, I have to open the archive part of Xcode and manually export all archives to create the pkg files that I need to have to upload to iTC.
Is there any command that I can use to do this automatically from terminal?
Another thing that would provide the same solution would be: how to convert a xcarchive file into a pkg file?
After some googling and some testing with the "In-app purchase content" Project, I think that what you need to use is the productbuild
command line tool. Since I am only iOS developer myself, I have no experience with creating installers but I am pretty sure the "pkg" file for the in-app content is created using this command line tools.
To find the correct parameters you can refer to https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/ToolsLanguages/Conceptual/OSXWorkflowGuide/DistributingApplications/DistributingApplications.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40011201-CH5-SW1
or man
To test what XCode does, I have created a simple project
And I archived it:
Then I created a simple program, let's call it ArgumentLogger
, the code is
int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {
//Open a file for logging
FILE* file = fopen("/Users/Sulthan/Desktop/log.txt","a+");
for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
//log all parameters
fprintf(file, "%s\n", argv[i]);
return 0;
Let's have an example - for bash command:
ArgumentLoggger --arg test1 test2 test3
will contain
ArgumentLogger --arg test1 test2 test3
Now, let's replace /usr/bin/productbuild
with this program
sudo mv /usr/bin/productbuild /usr/bin/productbuild_old
sudo mv ArgumentLogger /usr/bin/productbuild
and then hit "Distribute" in XCode. and export the package.
now contains
/usr/bin/productbuild --content /var/folders/v5/wwrmfpqx2mx1q5sf67_6vgg00000gn/T/FDCEA38E-1EF6-490B-8C30-8B0675C56CC8-47322-00014822C462D3CD/TestContent /var/folders/v5/wwrmfpqx2mx1q5sf67_6vgg00000gn/T/FDCEA38E-1EF6-490B-8C30-8B0675C56CC8-47322-00014822C462D3CD/TestContent.pkg
Now we see exactly what XCode did.
The second file is the resulting file, I am not sure whether there is something more done with the file or not, but after expanding it with pkgutil
, the contents seem to be the same as the ones in the pkg
created from XCode.
The first file is a directory which seems to be taken directly from the xcarchive
Let's see its contents
Edit 2:
In summary, the bash
script should be something along the lines of:
CONTENTS_DIR = $( find "$nameOfProject.xcarchive" -name "InAppPurchaseContent" -type d )
PKG_FILE = "$nameOfProject.pkg"
productbuild --content "$CONTENTS_DIR" "$PKG_FILE"