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Vim highlighting nested regions

I'm working with vim for several months now, and I still try to improve my experience with this great editor.

What I try to do is to create a syntax highlighting file for spice netlists (electronic stuff).

I'm trying to highlight the following pattern:

.SUBCKT or_gate A B OUT

(*or_gate* being the name of a cell
A, B and OUT bieng pins of this cell)

What I try to do is to highlight it with 3 different colors:

  • one for .SUBCKT
  • one for or_gate (the cell)
  • one for A, B and OUT (the pins)

So I'm looking at the lines starting with .SUBCKT, and I tried to find a way to match the different words of the line.

I tried a lot of different combination of syn match, or nested syn region but I just feel like I'm doing it the wrong way.

Here's an example of one of my attempts:

syn region spiceCKT start="\.SUBCKT" end="$" contains=spiceCell,spicePins

syn region spiceCell start="\.SUBCKT"rs=e end="$" contained

syn region spicePins start="\.SUBCKT\s\S*"rs=e end="$" contained

I tried to play with the pattern (\s\S*), to add/remove the rs=e parts, or even to define the start or end patterns adding \zs and \ze.

In the end I did not manage to make it work and I just feel like I'm making it way more complicated that it should be.

Anyone could help me figuring out what are my mistakes and how to handle such pattern highlighting?


  • You could try syn match with look-behind:

    syn match spiceCKT /^\s*\.SUBCKT/
    syn match spiceCell /\v(^\s*\.SUBCKT\s+)@<=or_gate/
    syn match spicePins /\v(^\s*\.SUBCKT\s+or_gate\s+)@<=A B OUT/

    I just did a small test. I don't have your syntax groups, I just tried with default groups, it looks like this:

    enter image description here