I'm aware that for the purposes of minification and obfuscation we should always use the $injector (by way of controllerName.$inject = ['$service', '$service2']
) to specify the actual service names that are required.
If I write a custom service that relies on other services, however, can/should I do the same thing? The only examples I can find for using the .$inject method are called on Controllers.
If I am doing
myModule.factory('myService', function($rootScope, anotherService) {
return {
foo: 'bar'
Should I append this?
myService.$inject = ['$rootScope', 'anotherService'];
Or perhaps it's applied to the module as a whole then?
myModule.$inject = ['$rootScope', 'anotherService'];
...But maybe in that case, the module is already keeping track of its services, and hence minification is not a concern?
Check the dependency injection guide, section Inline Annotation.
The following is also a valid syntax, and it is safe for minification:
myModule.factory('myService', ['$rootScope', 'anotherService',
function($rootScope, anotherService) {