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How can I use an hstore column type with Npgsql?

I have a table with the following schema:

  id serial primary key,
  login varchar(40) not null,
  password varchar(40) not null,
  data hstore

I'd like to use an NpgsqlCommand object with parameters to retrieve and store the account data from my application. Which DbType do I have to use for the NpgsqlParameter? The enum NpgsqlDbType does not have a value for hstore. Can I use a Dictionary or HashTable as value of the NpgsqlParameter object?

When I use a JSON column I can create a parameter of type NpgsqlDbType.Text, use a library like JSON.Net to serialize an object to a JSON string and send an SQL statement like that:

INSERT INTO account (login, password, data) VALUES (:login, :password, :data::json)

Unfortunately this does not work with an hstore column. I get a syntax error when I try to do this:

INSERT INTO account (login, password, data) VALUES (:login, :password, :data::hstore)

The string I pass to the data parameter looks like this:

'key1 => "value1", key2 => "value2"'


  • Thank you, Francisco! I saw in the log that the single quotes (') at the beginning and the end of the string are escaped when they are passed to PostgreSQL. When I pass

    key1 => "value1", key2 => "value2"

    instead, I can insert the data into the hstore column.