I am trying to cast varchar to bigint. Then inserting it into an int column. I found that I am not getting expected value. Then I tried the following statements:
SET @varData = '0000019.33'
select cast(@varData *cast(100 as float) as bigint)
select cast(@varData *cast(100 as float) as varchar)
select cast(cast(@varData *cast(100 as float) as varchar) as float)
I am not able to understand why this difference is coming. But when I change the value to 0000029.33
then there is no difference in results.
I am stuck and do not have any idea why it's so happening. Help needed..!!!
please see this Difference between numeric,float and decimal in sql server
For you question, you should try CAST @vardata as numeric, like this
SELECT CAST(CAST(@varData AS numeric(27,9)) * 100 AS bigint)