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How to use a Java class in JSP scriptlet? Error says the class cannot be resolved to a type

I have written a sample JSP file in Eclipse and a Java file and was trying to call the Java class inside my JSP but it is not working. The code of the JAVA file is as follows:


public class TestJava {
     public void test(String msg)
          System.out.println("My name is "+msg);

The Javafile is located at src folder. My JSP file test.jsp is as follows:


<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>

     <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
     <title>My First JSP with JAVA</title>
 <jsp:useBean id="link" scope="application" class = "TestJava" />   
  <% TestJava t=new TestJava();

It is giving error as "TestJava cannot be resolved to a type". I have studied other related posts in Stack Overflow but those approaches also did not work. Being new to JSP I cannot understand how to fix that error. So I am asking if anyone can help me to fix that problem.

Thank you.


  • In order to use class objects in java, you need to import classes first. Pretty much the same with scriplets in jsp, here you import it via <%@ page %> scriplet tags.

    <%@ page import="your.class*" %>