I'm using SimpleAudioEngine and I'm trying to detect if a sound effect is finish playing before continuing.
I'm looking for any method, but the one I'm trying to implement doesn't work!
CDSoundEngine *engine = [CDAudioManager sharedManager].soundEngine;
ALuint soundId = [[SimpleAudioEngine sharedEngine] playEffect:soundId];
float seconds = [engine bufferDurationInSeconds:soundId];
Every time I use bufferDurationInSeconds, it returns a float value of -1 to variable seconds. I checked the implementation, and it returns a -1 when the id is not valid, but I'm 100% the ID is valid!
Can anyone help me on this problem, or suggest me another way to detect the end of an sound effect?
Violà! Getting CDSoundSource, and then the soundId from that works.
(The second line is optional, it just plays the sound).
CDSoundEngine *engine = [CDAudioManager sharedManager].soundEngine;
[[SimpleAudioEngine sharedEngine] playEffect:@"soundeffect.m4a"];
CDSoundSource *aSound =[[SimpleAudioEngine sharedEngine] soundSourceForFile:@"soundeffect.m4a"];
float seconds = [engine bufferDurationInSeconds:aSound.soundId];
Also to run a method right when it finishes playing I would use an NSTimer that uses the seconds result.
[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:seconds target:self selector:@selector(aMethod) userInfo:nil repeats:NO];
And then the final method implements something.
NSLog(@"finished playing");
Although, this doesn't effect the -1 result, I have to point out that the soundId variable appears twice as two different kinds in your code, in the same line, which will cause problems. No worries though, I have tested my method above with success.
ALuint **soundId** = [[SimpleAudioEngine sharedEngine] playEffect:**soundId**];