Using the sample code to learn about libuv I have come across a side effect I don't understand for sure. The code uses malloc() to obtain memory to store data from a client on the network and then send the same data back, just echos. It then uses free to release the memory. This repeats over and over through a call back loop. The line of code getting the memory is:
uv_write_t *req = (uv_write_t *) malloc(sizeof(uv_write_t));
and the lines freeing the memory are:
free((char*) req->data);
However if you input a long string such as "Whats the word on the street?" to be echoed and then in put shorter strings like "Hi" fragments of the older string will reappear after the shorter string is echoed back. For instance output can be like this:
Whats the word on the street? hi hi howdy howdy he word on the street?
Since the memory is being freed I am uncertain why the older fragment is showing back up. My thoughts on the subject is that either there is something I don't understand about malloc and free() or there is a bug in the library in how it determines the size needed for the incoming data and after using a longer string I am getting garbage as part of a memory block that was to big. If that is the case then the fact it is a fragment of my earlier input is just happenstance. Is this the likely reason, or am I missing something? Is there any other info. that I should include to clarify it?
Implementations of malloc() will vary, but its safe to assume assume that calls to malloc() can return a pointer to a previously free()-ed chunks of memory and that the memory returned will not have been zeroed out. In other words, its perfectly normal for malloc() to give us a pointer to data that contains previously initialized data.
That said, I suspect the root problem here will be an unterminated string, which was probably an artifact of the way you are serializing the string. For example, if you are merely writing strlen(str) bytes from the client, you are not writing a NULL. As a result when the server receives the message it will have an un-terminated string. If this is how you plan to pass the string and you plan to treat it as a normal null-terminated string, the server will need to copy the data into a buffer large enough to accomodate the string plus the additional NULL char.
So why then are you seeing fragments of past messages? Probably dumb luck. If this is a really simple app, its very possible for malloc() to return a chunk of memory that overlaps with the previous request.
So then why am I getting such clean output, shouldn't I see tons of garbled data, or a segfault for my string operations walking off into infinity? Again, dumb luck. Keep in mind that when the kernel first gives your application a page of memory, it will have first zeroed-out page out (this is done for security reasons). So, even though you might not have terminated the string, the page of heap memory where your string resides might be sitting in a relatively pristine zeroed-out state.