I'm quite new to Windows programming and I'm trying to setup a directshow graph to stream a webcam feed over a network so I can monitor the output on an ipad.
I've setup a graph in csharp using DirectShowLib and FFDShow that compresses the raw output from a capture device and writes it to an avi file.
Now I'm trying to work out how to broadcast the stream over the network.
The only sample code I can find for network streaming with directshow relates to the WM library which only seems to output Asf formatted streams.
How can I broadcast a stream in a format other than Asf using directshow? Can I configure the ASF Writer to output an avi/mpeg formated stream or do I need to write my own directshow filter?
Are there any examples of streaming avi over a network using directshow?
Thanks for reading, Josh
Well I ended up using VLC to create an MJPEG stream. I did try using VLS's HLS plugin but I found that iOS will only play one video at a time which was no good as I want to display several webcams. MJPEG gets round this.