I am using a function which identifies a sequence and then calculates the duration of the sequence in minutes. When I cbind the results with data at the final stage, the duration is returned, yet neighboring columns are returned with 'NA' rather than the values originally in those columns
d<-read.table(text='Date.Time Aerial
794 "2012-10-01 08:18:00" 1
795 "2012-10-01 08:34:00" 1
796 "2012-10-01 08:39:00" 1
797 "2012-10-01 08:42:00" 1
798 "2012-10-01 08:48:00" 1
799 "2012-10-01 08:54:00" 1
800 "2012-10-01 08:58:00" 1
801 "2012-10-01 09:04:00" 1
802 "2012-10-01 09:05:00" 1
803 "2012-10-01 09:11:00" 1
1576 "2012-10-01 09:17:00" 2
1577 "2012-10-01 09:18:00" 2
804 "2012-10-01 09:19:00" 1
805 "2012-10-01 09:20:00" 1
1580 "2012-10-01 09:21:00" 2
1581 "2012-10-01 09:23:00" 2
806 "2012-10-01 09:25:00" 1
807 "2012-10-01 09:32:00" 1
808 "2012-10-01 09:37:00" 1
809 "2012-10-01 09:43:00" 1', header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, row.names=1)
#Give correct data type
d$Aerial<- as.numeric(d$Aerial)
d$Date.Time<- as.POSIXct(d$Date.Time)
Function (identify sequence where aerial 2 is repeated and the duration of the sequence):
fun1 <- function(data,aerial){
data_above <- 1L*(data$Aerial == aerial)
id_start <- paste(data$Date.Time[which(diff(c(0L,data_above))==1)])
id_end <- paste(data$Date.Time[which(diff(c(data_above,0L))== -1)])
res <- cbind(data[id_start,1:1],Duration=difftime(id_end,id_start, units='mins'))
[1,] NA 1
[2,] NA 2
The duration is correct, however I would like it to return the data which should be in the associated columns:
Date.Time Duration
[1,] 2012-10-01 09:11:00 1
[2,] 2012-10-01 09:21:00 2
My actual data.frame has many columns rather than just Date.Time and it still returns NA for all of these
I'd do it like this:
fun1 <- function(data,aerial) {
data_above <- 1L * (data$Aerial == aerial)
id_start <- data$Date.Time[which(diff(c(0L,data_above)) == 1)]
id_end <- data$Date.Time[which(diff(c(data_above, 0L)) == -1)]
res <- cbind(data[data$Date.Time %in% id_start, 1, drop=FALSE],
Duration = difftime(id_end,id_start, units='mins'))
# Date.Time Duration
# 1576 2012-10-01 09:17:00 1 mins
# 1580 2012-10-01 09:21:00 2 mins
Points to note here:
when you subset a data.frame
and it returns just 1 element, then doing df[, 1]
will result in a vector. It's safe to use df[, 1, drop = FALSE
Passing non-data.frame
arguments (meaning, all arguments to cbind
are not data.frames) will result in the output being a matrix
. It expects at least one argument to be data.frame
. So, if you don't use drop = FALSE
and the output results in 1 row, then it'll be a vector and the result will be a matrix (see the first point)
I don't think you need to use paste
here for id_start
and id_end
The first argument to cbind
where you access the data.frame
is not right. You have to query for id_start
within all values of Date.Time
. It's can be done using %in%
as shown.
Hope this helps.