/^[\p{L}\p{N}][\p{L}\p{N} \.,;:\?!-“”‘’"']+$/u
allow utf-8
characters, numbers, spaces AND custom punctuation to verify article title
these inputs below don't match but I want matching also if punctuation are side-by side? Can you show me the correct form of my regexp? note: Backslash in front of dot and question mark are for escaping attempt. I also tried without escaping. I am not good at regexp. I can only find sub-parts then try to combine. thanks. BR
change with:
/^[\p{L}\p{N}“”‘’"'][\p{L}\p{N} .,;:?!\-“”‘’"']*$/u
NB: -
must be escaped if it isn't in the first or last position within the character class. But .
and ?
doesn't need.