I have two arrays that holds active and inactive QWebPage respectively, that is, I want to limit the maximum running QWebPages, so I did this,
I use two QList object,
QList<QWebPage*> pages; // holds remaining pages
QList<QWebPage*> active; // holds active ones
When I need to send a request, I do:
void XXX::addRequest (QUrl url)
if (pages.size() > 0)
QWebPage *page = pages.front();
active.push_back (page);
page->mainFrame().load (url);
On request finish,
void XXX::finished (bool ok)
QWebPage *page = qobject_cast<QWebPage*> (sender());
// blabla
// now I need to move this "page" to the "pages" list
Since an object can belong to multiple list (it's just a pointer), I should be removing it from the active
QList and append it to the pages
But QList only support deletion by index numbers, I can't do that directly now.
Any ideas? Hopefully not iterating through the list.
QList does support removing items by item value, not only by item index. There are member functions removeOne()
and removeAll()
. In your case, removeOne() is the right choice.